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Saturday, 29 September 2018

Green Fluffy Ball.

Merry was her name. She was a great playmate for a few minutes when I got to take Mummy for a freerun in the little park at the bottom of the road again. Merry is a Bernese Mountain Dog. We had a lovely few minutes of playing chase and roll. It didn't last all that long as she didn't have much stamina, but it was great while it lasted.

This was part of a workywalkies taking Mummy to 'Find the Co-op' this afternoon.

This morning I got to take Daddy for a long walkies to the mouthdrippy shop. He got me a bone!! Yaaayyyy! When we got back we found Rosie and little Hallie at Puppa's home. They stayed for a while but I got to go lie out in the garden to deal with my bone. It was yummylicious bliss!

A blue ladyhuman came this afternoon. She looked a lot like some of the ladyhumanvets in the huge humanvets place where Puppa was. I kept a very close eye on her. I didn't want her hurting my Puppa! She didn't. It was all OK. She was very nice and did some yacketying and showed Puppa how to deal with his new plumbing kit.

Earlier, Mummy had fed one of my toys to the frothymonster. When it had finished chewing it, Mummy hung it up high out of my reach on the long whisker that goes down the garden. Finally, it came back down again when Daddy rescued it. He gave it back to me but it really didn't smell right at all. I had to give it a serious chewing to make it smell like mine again! I still kept a watchful eye on Puppa though even whilst doing such a crucial job. He seems much more like proper Puppa again. That makes for a happier Oakley! 
Me standing nose to nose with Merry in the park

Lying on the lounge carpet with my green fluffy ball between my front paws. I am looking up watching Puppa.

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