After they had all gone, a flat-coated retriever called Bee came along with her human, named Peter. Peter has big whiskers on his face, and he is a boater. Even though Bee is 10 years old, we still had a good play together. It turns out that Whiskery Peter is a dog trainer! Uh-oh! I got some lessons! Or, perhaps Mum and Dad got some lessons! It seems I am no longer going to be allowed to greet quite so enthusiastically. Nor will I get away with something he called 'lunging' or tugging on lead to greet or investigate while Mum or Dad is off-guard! Hmmmm...... I shall let you know how things develop! I am not too certain how much I really like Whiskery Peter! Mind you, he did mention something about big chunks of chicken for recall practice...... I may come to like him a lot more!
Mum says that today really was the final event of our fundraising. She says the overall total of all the shin disks and floppy rectangles we've collected adds up to over £8,000. She says that is a fabulous achievement. She asks me to say 'THANK YOU OODLES' to everyone who has supported us and made donations. It all means that we will be able to choose the names of two puppies to be trained as my colleagues. One will beI am well and truly meeted and greeted! And kanoodled and chewed and tussled.
It has been a great day! We have been at the
Aldermaston Tea Rooms all day. Rob and Jo from
The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association (UK) were with us, plus a couple of Guide Dog Puppies and their humans too. Marco, the black lab and Hughes, the golden lab-retriever, both about 9 months old, are both bigger than me! Nevertheless, I needed to teach them a thing or two about being a Guide Dog! Of course, it is essential that they know the art of hoovering, plus enthusiastic greeting skills, kanoodling, and most importantly, how to be a complete hussy by rolling onto one's back to display full glory in the process of serious kanoodling! I think they learnt well from the master!
After they had all gone, a flat-coated retriever called Bee came along with her human, named Peter. Peter has big whiskers on his face, and he is a boater. Even though Bee is 10 years old, we still had a good play together. It turns out that Whiskery Peter is a dog trainer! Uh-oh! I got some lessons! Or, perhaps Mum and Dad got some lessons! It seems I am no longer going to be allowed to greet quite so enthusiastically. Nor will I get away with something he called 'lunging' or tugging on lead to greet or investigate while Mum or Dad is off-guard! Hmmmm...... I shall let you know how things develop! I am not too certain how much I really like Whiskery Peter! Mind you, he did mention something about big chunks of chicken for recall practice...... I may come to like him a lot more!
Mum says that today really was the final event of our fundraising. She says the overall total of all the shin disks and floppy rectangles we've collected adds up to over £8,000. She says that is a fabulous achievement. She asks me to say 'THANK YOU OODLES' to everyone who has supported us and made donations. It all means that we will be able to choose the names of two puppies to be trained as my colleagues. One will be a black lab like me and will be named Raymond, after Grandpa. The other is yet to be decided.
I have simply loooooooved all the walking, all the fusses, all the meeting and greeting...... Actually, I just love being me - doing my job!
Photos of today.
1) Me and Marco on our leads. Mum holding mine and Marco's PW holding his. We are on the towpath, between the boat and the Tearooms, having a 'sit' moment in between kanoodling sessions.
2) Marco and Hughes greeting, with their PWs and Rob
3) Meeting and greeting, and just generally doing our PR stuff in the Tearooms gardens
4) Mum yacketying with Whiskery Peter. Me on lead with Mum after Peter had taught her how to get me to stand patiently on a slack lead, Bee looking straight at Dad's one-eyed-clickyboxa black lab like me and will be named Raymond, after Grandpa. The other is yet to be decided.
I have simply loooooooved all the walking, all the fusses, all the meeting and greeting...... Actually, I just love being me - doing my job!
Photos of today.
Me and Marco on our leads. Mum holding mine and Marco's PW holding his. We are on the towpath, between the boat and the Tearooms, having a 'sit' moment in between kanoodling sessions. |
Marco and Hughes greeting, with their PWs and Rob |
Meeting and greeting, and just generally doing our PR stuff in the Tearooms gardens. |
Mum yacketying with Whiskery Peter. Me on lead with Mum after Peter had taught her how to get me to stand patiently on a slack lead, Bee looking straight at Dad's one-eyed-clickybox. |