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Sunday, 25 June 2017

No Problem!

SPLOSH! It wasn't a big squishy blue cushion in Debbi & Ryan's garden! It tried to eat me! It had a bobbly top that went down underneath me and I got very wet! It was a huge blue above-ground puddle! Apparently this was hilarious! Huumph!

The day started off with a nice workywalkies all across the park, then up through town to church. Henry and Lin came with us and, as we were setting off, they asked Mum "Which way do we need to go?" "Just follow Oaks" she said.. "Let's go to church Oakie". I think they were impressed! I found the way straight there. No problem!

It was quite nice to lie down on the cool floor during all the humanhowling and yacketying.

Straight afterwards, we set off in the car and ended up at Debbi and Ryan's huge garden. I loooooove that big grassy space! I'm not so sure about that big blue puddle thing though!

Rosie and James and little Hallie were there too. We all went workywalkies again to a human yummyery. I think that visiting anywhere where minihumans get to throw their yummies on the floor underneath their chair-on-sticks is worth going along! I got quite a good minifeast! Heehee! Workywalkies again took us back for more playtime in the garden. I also got my picnic tea there.

Now we are back aboard our floatyboatyhome again and it is most definitely sofasnuggles time. I am shattered!

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