Oh! The shame!
Mummy made me wear my numptyrobe in public! I have zero street-cred now!
It was rather a hangy-out-tongue day today and we had 20 locks to deal with. Mummy said it was too hot to ask me to work, so she put my swim-bra on me instead of my work-bra. Sadly, I didn't get to swim at all because there was nowhere safe to go splosh. I just plodded with Mummy behind me all the way and Mummy followed my waggy-flag. I still took care of her; there was a few times I had to stop and make sure she realised there was a potential whoops on the towpath. Tree-toes, big rocks and a couple of crumbly bits of bank. At every opportunity, and especially at every lock, Mummy got me to sit in the shadiest place we could find. There were a few where there simply was no such thing though.
For a while, Mummy tried to get me to stay inside floatyboatyhome while Daddy did a bit of windy-uppy-windy-downy-pushy-pully stuff, but I squeaked and whinged my serious disapproval of that idea. That was when she got out my numpty coat (the one I usually have to get wrapped in after I've been frothed). She dunked it in the sink and made it all wet, then twisted it to make it a bit less drippy, then she put it on me. She said it would help to keep me cooler outside with the skyhotball burning down on us.
I suppose it did help a bit, but I am so glad I didn't meet any passing buddies until after I managed to have a good roll, covering it in towpath-grubbiness! I think that gave it a slightly more presentable appearance, and it persuaded Mummy that it was time for it to be removed! Phew! Just in time to meet a fellow black Lab for a good few minutes of chasing and boxing! How could I have faced such a meeting looking so very uncool?
Hi Oakley - Monty has a cool coat for hot days and yes it is still considered to be a numpty coat, but it really does keep him cool. There is a picture of him wearing it yesterday here - https://pippa13.blogspot.com/2018/07/we-overshot-5-july-2018.html. It is called 'Easidri' - a high performance cooling coat. Everynow and then you have to pour water over it, but if you keep it damp it really does work. They aren't cheap - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Easidri-High-Performance-Cooling-Coat-Grooming-Towels-All-Sizes-Show-Dogs-/261479277723?var=&clk_rvr_id=1589740711873&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=twenga&utm_campaign=twenga&utm_param=eyJlcyI6MCwicyI6OTcyMDIzNywiY2kiOiIwM2QyZTBjMTdjMWQzYzJhYzYyMTY0M2I2ZTQ4ZWM0MCIsImkiOiIyMzUyMzQ0Mzc5NjE3NjgxMTgyIiwidHMiOjE1MzA4OTc1NzksInYiOjMsInNvIjoxNTAwLCJjIjoxNDkwMTl9&rmvSB=true. I am sure they are available cheaper elsewhere. A good investment though. It is the one coat that Monty does not seem to mind wearing. Jennie, Chris and Monty xx