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Friday, 20 July 2018

Clickybox Overdrive!

Clip-clop-clip-clop....... huffer-chuffer-choo-choo.

Both, apparently, supposedly relaxing! Hmmmm..... I don't think so!

It all started with a long lazy lie-in. Of course that meant that starvation alleviation was a long time coming this morning, but, well, at least it came eventually!

Then came a great playtime with a passing pooch pal called Scout, the red retriever. That finished when we reached a gate at the top of the zig-zag path up the parky area by our mooring. Then it was 'Head in' to harness and off on workywalkies, starting immediately with an offkerb bit - well, there was no kerb or pawment at all there! We did it though and I steered Mummy onto the pawment as soon as we reached it.

We didn't go very far to begin with - just to a bit of towpath we walked yesterday. Today, there was a floatyboat there with no walls, no front or back deck, and no rumbler. In a kind of house thing beside it, there were three very scary beasties. They were hugenormous and were munching on lots of long bits of brownie coloured grass stuff. I....I.....I..... couldn't help it......a bit rumble and big woof just escaped from me.......I thought I had to protect Mummy from these monsters. But Mummy told me to sit and shush! Huh! She said they are friends! Hmmm..... I'm not too sure about that!

Mummy made me stay sitted and kept telling me 'Be nice' 'it's OK' 'Good boy' 'Good to stay'...... I think I kind of got the message that my defenses were not wanted. I got braver. Mummy kept telling me I was being a good boy when I stayed calm. I needed edible reinforcements though!

Then a manhuman gave a carrot to my Daddy. And...... and..... and...... Do You Know what he went and did? He .... he..... he...... went and gave that carrot to the clip-clop monster! HOOOOOOWWWWWWWLLLLLLLL! My Daddy! Traitor! How could you?

A manhuman opened the door on the house thing and brought one of the monsters out. It's paws made a big loud clip-clop noise and it had a mahoozive collar and other harnessy things on it. It had ears a bit like a German Shepherd Dog's ears - all big and sticky-uppy!

Anther manhuman opened a door thingy on the floatyboatyhome and I had to take Mummy and Daddy aboard. Then the clip-clop beast went past and got attached by a megalong lead to the floatyboat. Mummy told me I was a super good boy for staying calm when he went past so close. Then he started clip-clopping along the towpath and his lead was pulling us in the floatyboat. It was all super quiet with no rumbler. Actually it was quite relaxing..... I hupped my paws onto the side a few times to check what was gliding by, but then settled down for a snooze on the floor.

When we got back again, the clip-clop monsters didn't seem so scary anymore. No more woofs escaped me! I shall never forgive Daddy for giving away that carrot though!

After that, we had a little wander aroudn town, so that was a bit of workwalkies on brand new territory - most of it very narrow pawments so I had to work quite hard looking after Mummy. This led us to a train station. It was a bit scary there though. There was a hugenormous hissing huffing puffing monster machine that was snorting all sorts of noisy smelly huff out of many different oriffices! Daddy seemed to be in one-eyed-clickybox overdrive though! It was a good job I was there to look after Mummy because he disappeared off for a bit! We moved away from the hissy huffy beastie and found a door to get onto the train. That was nice! we got a whole room-thing to ourselves, so I could stretch out for a few zzzzs on the floor between the long seats.

When we got off the train, the sky was leaking lots so it was a soggy workywalkies back to floatyboatyhome. The last bit of it was another little freerun in the parkybit. A lovely towelrub from Mummy was great when we got home!

3 photos:
Me with red retriever Scout on the yellow grass.

Me inside our little compartment in the train.

Me and Mummy in front of the hissy huffer-chuffer-choo-choo.

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