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Friday, 14 April 2017

Howling and Walkies...

We went workywalkies. Then apparently we went witness-walkies too. I thought it was just another workywalkies with oooooodles of other humans joining in. Well, I was working and we was walking......

The first bit of workywalkies was into town and then into a big church building. I wriggled my way under the long wooden human sitting stick and snoozed through all the human howling and yacketying. Then everybody left the building and we all walked together through town. A manhuman at the front was carrying a huge tree thing with just one branch sticking out each side. The walkies finished at another church building and, after some more human howling outside, we went inside and the humans munched some dotty flat balls with an X on top. I did hope for some hooverings but Mum wouldn't let me. She said the dots were something called raisins, which are poisonous to dogs. That's not fair! They didn't smell poisonous! Huff!

After all that, we set off on another workywalkies - back through town the long way. When we got to where we should turn left to the floatyboatykennel, Dad left us. I tried desperately to take Mum to follow him but she was most insistent that we carry on walking. I cried to Daddy, but he just kept on walking away - towards home. For a few moments, I registered my protest at losing my daddy by putting on a serious plod. I got over it though and we carried on for a lovely workywalkies all the way through the industrial estate, then up to a bridge and back down and along the towpath. That last bit was lovely! The industrial estate is a good challenge for me guiding Mum as there are lots of downkerbs and upkerbs and other hazards to negotiate. The towpath is easy in comparison; all I have to do is keep Mum from wandering too far either side. Too far one way and she would get a faceful of prickly green sticks. Too far the other way and we would both be swimming ....hmmm.....I quite fancy that idea! Maybe not on harness though!

Whilst in town, we did go past the red-and-white-stripes shop but it was closed. So, no new bone today. I had to content myself with a big juicy carrot and a cow's tail. That will have to do for today!

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