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Friday, 25 September 2015


Oh dear! Mum says my teddy dog is now a teddy slug! I don't think he was quite up to that game of tug! Oops! Well, it was fun!

It came after a day of more yackety-yacking and clicketyfingersing and talkyboning ....... Lots......and......lots......and......lots of all of them!

The first bit of all of that was good - I had a ride in the boot of a big high up car! It belonged to a nice lady wearing a Guide Dogs blue fursubstitutes top like Mum's. She came and picked us up to take us to a cafe in a garden centre. There was another Guide Dog there; a black lab x retriever called Henry. We had a good canoodle! Of course, we were both on duty so canoodling was all we could get away with. Most of the time, all we could do was snooze while the humans did all their yacketying, but it was nice to meet a colleague!

Then it was back to the boat for a while, before going out on harness again to guide Mum around town, to various shops, and other places, via some big busy roads, crossings and a big tunnel under a road. We also went into that shiny-disks-and-flappy-rectangles place. I like that place! Mum calls it NatWest Bank. I call it YummyBiccie Bank! There is a reeeeeeaaalllyyy nice man in there who can't resist fussing me and giving me biccies from a jar he keeps on the counter! Now, how can I find a way to ensure that Mum needs to visit there every day?.......

Photo shows my purple and white teddy dog with his last two legs lying beside him. The other two .....errr....fell off a while ago.... Ahem! Oops!

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