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Thursday, 24 September 2015

Errmm - I am Handsome!

Tummy good again. It was the rest of me that got fed up today!
Well.....actually I suppose it wasn't that bad....... Just lots of best behaviour needed. ðŸ˜£
It all started with a brief game of ball-launcher on the little patch of grass beside where we are moored. Then some friends arrived; Jenny and Tony Brooks (Tony was the man who got swallowed by the hole in the back deck when he came aboard the boat a while ago - something to do with the big rumbler that lives in there). I had to hop into the big boot of their car and Mum and Dad got into the seats. Then Tony drove us a little way to their house. I got to have a good play in their garden. I found lots of green balls under a big tree. They were fun to toss around, but they didn't taste too good when my fangs pierced them. They made my nose wrinkle up!
I had a lie down for a while and endured the smells of human yummies. Then we got back into Tony's car and drove to a big pointy building. Inside, I had to guide Mum upstairs and into a room. I had a bit of a sniff around while they put chairs all around. Then several ladies arrived and sat on the chairs. I was allowed to relax while Mum did a whole load of yacketying, standing up in front of them all. Then mugs of hot brown stuff came out, along with munchies. Mum was mean to me; she asked the ladies not to feed me anything! Huff! I had to content myself with hoovering crumbs. Jenny said I did a good job of that though and she didn't need to get the whiskerstick out! One lady very kindly dropped a nice lot of ..... Errr.... Crumbs.....err....well....maybe it was a bit of a chunk of something called apple cake (made from some of the green balls in Jenny's garden). Well.....I couldn't possibly leave that mess on the floor could I? It tasted ooooooodles yummier than the green balls!
Tony drove us back home and I got my dinner before taking Mum and Dad for a nice longish walk to my favourite park. Then it was time to release all that pent up energy!
Five photos from today:

1 Mum doing her yacketying to the ladies. Me lying down beside her

2 close-up of a bored me, lying down while Mum did her yacketying

3 freerun in the park. Playing chase with a passing spaniel

4 fusses from two humans who were with a yellow lab who just happened to be passing as we got off the boat. We had a great few minutes chasing up and down the towpath.

5 a superb game of chase with Ted, the white German Shepherd. Pic shows us both running towards the one-eyed-clickybox, me with my ears flapping high, Ted with his paws in the air.

Mum had the audacity to say how stunningly handsome Ted is! Well......errrr.....hellooooo......I am handsome .......ahem......huff!

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