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Friday, 18 September 2015

Oops. Missed a bit!

I forgot an important of yesterday's news! I took Mum into that big place where they have all the shiny disks and floppy rectangles. I think it must be called 'the bank' coz as we were approaching it Mum said "Oakie, find the bank". It seems I got it right because she told me I'm a clever boy as we went to the steps up to the door! Anyway, inside, we had to wait for a few minutes in a queue. (Good chance to get a few fusses!) then we went up to the big high counter. There I met the nicest man ever in one of these places. He had a jar of doggie biccies! He asked Mum's permission first. (I glared hard at her make sure she gave the right answere!). Then he insisted on giving me two biccies! I liked him! Then, when he had done with the yacketying and clicketyfingersing, and it was time to leave, he opened his jar again and gave me two more biccies! What a nice man. I shall have to fathom a way to get Mum in there more often!

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