Fizzpops and wizzbangs are going off all around outside. I'm safe and snug here on Mummy's lap on the sofa though. The bestest place to be after a day of workywalkies. Well - maybe not a whole day - but quite enough. It was Mummy's first venture into this Dudley place, so I had to strut my stuff to keep her safe and find the way around. It was just over four and a half miles in total of 'Straight on..... find the crossing.... find left..... find right...... straight on..... find the door left..... find Wilkos......' etc etc etc. Some of it was around a flappy-walls shoppy place where there was a huge pile of carrots on one bit. I did give the manhuman my bestest pleading look, but he didn't get the message! Huff! Mummy loved me though; when we got home, she gave me the biggest one she could find! Mmmmmm......
Mummy says that we have to have Happy New Ears tomorrow..... but I am very happy with my old ears!