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Sunday, 24 June 2018

Yet More Yacketying!

Tongue-hang-out Sunday! The hot didn't stop the yack though! Blimmin humans! NON-stop yackety-yackety-yackety-yack-yack-yack! AAAAAAAaaaaaaaalllllll day!

Our humanpal Graham moored his floatyboatyhome just in front of ours and then came and called for us. Then, the yacketying started on the workywalkies to church (lots of fusses and admirations there - plus a bit of yummy hoovering. Shhhh! Don't tell Mum!), then yackety-yack from the church to the human yummyery. Then non-stop yacketying for the whooooooole time there - they even seem to manage to yack while they eat! No wonder it takes them so long to finish their dinner! Then Yaaaaackety-yack all the way back through town to floatyboatyhome. Hop aboard aaaaaaannnnnddd...... yet more yacketying! 

I tried to show them the more sensible way to communicate when a couple of passing black labradors caught my attention. (Actually one of them stuck his nose right in Mummy's ear through the open window! Heehee!) I just hopped off onto the towpath, we exchanged quick sniffs of important places, exchanged a couple of weemails on the long grass and that was it! Done and sorted! But still the humans carried on yacketying!

Ugh! My ears hurt! I think I need to lie down on a cool floor for a while!

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