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Friday, 18 May 2018


'Find the beam', 'Find the bollard', 'Down. Stay', 'Up stand', 'Find the beam', 'Wait'.......'On we go. Next lock'......'Find the beam........Thirteen times! Oh, and some nice workywalkies along about 4 miles of towpath too!

This evening, I took Daddy for a leisurely stroll so Mummy could do her whiskerstick-floor-stroking thing and, when we came back, my bed had gone into hiding! It is now under the table. Mummy seems to think that me having three choices of sleeping places is a bit excessive, (Hufffff!) so she has put two into one. I'm not too sure what to think about this... I am currently registering my protest by sprawling across as much floor as I can manage to take up. I shall contemplate my thoughts here for as long as I can possibly manage to stay in the way!

Photo shows a sideview of me sitting waiting atop one of the locks, watching the world go by.....I'm sure there was a skitterjitter up that tree......

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