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Saturday, 21 October 2017

Poshed Up!

Woohoo! We did it again! We went on a train back to the Enee See place again today. We checked out a few more of those shiny home-box-on-wheels things but much more importantly, we found oodles of Guide Dog pals to meet N greet N kanoodle with!

Today's train rides were nicer than yesterday's. We got poshed-up to Furst Class! (Well, that was what Mum said it was anyway). I had a bit more room there - and carpet to snooze on! I think I like being poshed-up!

At the Guide Dogs Colleague Kanoodle Club, I got to demonstrate 'professional camaraderie' with lots of pals. I had never met any of them before, but that didn't matter. It never matters with us; we are one big family anyway. There were, to name just a few; Jenny and Oxford, both black lab x retriever, A GSD girlie whose name I can't remember, along with her very old retired housemate, there was a stud dog (Guide Dog Daddy), there was Youssef the big labradoodle and there was a mahoohoohoosive Leonberger Guide Dog. He was like a walking sofa!

It was all great fun and, of course, it was all about being fussed and admired too. Apparently, this helps to spread the word about how we Guide Dogs do good stuff like change the lives of people like Mummy. It is all part of the job!


Me on the right and Jenny on the left sitting posing.

Me trying to work out why Jenny hasn't got what I've got!

Keeping Mum under close supervision while she eats.

Kanoodling with Stud Dog.

Me upside down.

Greeting Youseff the Labradoodle.

Me with the walking sofa Leonberger boy.

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