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Thursday, 19 October 2017

King Kong!

It worked! Mummy got my message! She must've understood my wwrrrfffffs and hhmmmms and quiet little mmmwwwwffffs while I was lying on her lap last night. She thought I was dreaming but really I was transmitting my requirements......

Anyway....she got the message .... and more besides!

I got a new toy. I got a freerun in the park to play with my new toy. I got yummies (Pepperami) for being a good boy and coming running back when Mummy whistled me back. Then I got a new juicy bone from the white chilly cupboard when we got back! What more could a Happy Oakley ask for? Well.....OK.... I could ask to have been spared the attack with the bowl of froth and flannel when we got back.....but, actually, it was worth it. If I'm really honest, I rather enjoyed the all-over massage!

4 photos;
1&2 me playing tug with Mum with my new toy; an orange Kong on a rope.
3 running back to Mum with the orange Kong in my mouth and the rope wrapped up and over my head
4 on the rug inside our floatyboatyhome getting stuck into my big juicy beef knuckle bone

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