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Thursday, 24 August 2017

Stolen Toys...

Mummy has gone berserk! She has been doing all sorts of peculiar things today:

She has put pretties in the boxes on the roof of our floatyboatyhome. She also put loads of dark crumbly dirt stuff in them - from a bag.

She spent ages stroking the outside walls. She had 2 cloths and a big bottle of gloopystuff. She used one cloth to smear the gloop all over the wall, then the other cloth to stroke it all off again!

She has been doing a whole load of bangbangbanging with a big lump on a stick. She has been bashing the life out of loads of squares. this seems to have stuck them together and now they are all in one big mat on the floor of the bow deck. So, the day before yesterday, this deck was all stinky with new grey stuff. Now it is all blue, red and green in squares.

Along with all of this weirdness, she has done the most terrible thing! She has stolen a whole load of my toys! They have been lying on a rug on the towpath, along with a few other things, with a flappyrectangle with squiggles on it. Apparently, the squiggles tell people that they can take away these items. And they have taken some of them away - including my toys! Hooooowwwwwllllll! She says they were all toys I don't play with. She says I have plenty left. She says it is all raising shinydisks for Guide Dogs. Well, OK. People did put shinydisks into the little dog-shaped box. That bit is good.

But....but.....but.....but....MY toys! Mum! How could you?

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