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Friday, 18 August 2017

Squished! Several Times!

HOME! We made it! What a day!

We were forever and ever and ever on buses and trains. It started with a bus ride from almost outside our kennelblock in that HeadinBurger place, then a short workywalkies weaving through the oceans of human back legs again. Next came a brief ride in one of those magic boxes (the ones that change the outside while the doors are closed, so, when they open again we are somewhere different). Then came the forever train ride. It was a mega squishy train ride. Not a comfy train ride. Mum and Dad were a bit stressed because several manhumans were rather unfriendly and unhelpful at the station and getting onto the train. instead of getting to sit in the disabled people's seats, where I get space to lie down properly, we were squished into a tiny place. There were just the two seats for Mum and Dad and I had to squidge myself into the tiny space underneath the seats as best I could. There wasn't really room for a labrador under there though, so I had to spill out into the space where Mum and Dad's back paws belonged. This meant that we were all very uncomfortable for the whole 4 and a half hours. Mummy and Daddy were not very happy and that makes me sad too! We were all very glad to get off when we reached that crazy busy London place.

It was great to get out and do a little workywalkies to find the bus stop (and a tree! Phew!). The bus journey was a bit squashy. I had to squeeze right up onto Mum's back paws to allow a minihuman's wheeliesieat to fit in the space with our wheeliecases too. It was OK though. At least I could sit upright, which is more than i had been able to do on the train!

When we got off the bus, we were at another train station. This one is apparently called Pawdington. I took Daddy for a brief walkies while Mummy stayed to look after all the bags. He made me sit beside this strange hard teddybear with a hat on. Then by a bench seat with the same teddy on it. This teddy was eating but it didn't smell very interesting. Apparently this Pawdington Bear is very famous!

The final train journey was a lot nicer. There was a nice manhuman at the station who helped us to get into the posh seats. I had space to stretch out in comfort under the table! Yippee! Mummy and Daddy were happier too. When their mouths go up at the corners it makes me happier too!

At the end of aaaaaaallllll this journeying, I got to workywalkies Mummy all the way from the station to our floatyboatyhome in its floatyboatykennel. Daddy came with aaaaallll the baggage in a taxi. We arrived at the same time!

It is good to be home! We have had a huge adventure and it has been fantabulous. But it is good to be home.

Sofasnuggles time! Most definitely! Mummy......legs please....pillow needed here.......

3 photos:
Mum and me in front of the big red train that had us all squished up. This in on the platform at Kings Cross Station.
Me beside the very hard Pawdinton Bear.

Me by the seat with Pawdington Bear on it.


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