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Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Different Cars and Disappearing Daddy!

I love you all! £300 so far raised in JustGiving donations. So many of you want my portrait! That is fantabulous. Thank you all. That is 400 virtual tickets in the draw. Mum says this means it WILL definitely be drawn after 8pm on 31 January. There is, of course, still plenty of time to get your donations in to add your name to the draw. See the pinned post at the top of my page for details of the prizes and the link to the donations site page.

Today, I got to ride in a different car. Dad was driving but it wasn't our car. We went to a car vets place and swapped this different car for our own one back again. (Apparently that was where Dad went first thing this morning to take our car and he came back in the different one.) It seems our car had to have its regular vet check. I wonder if it had to have a spike stuck in it like I have to when I go for my vet checks. On the drive back again, I didn't have my kennel in the boot. Dad took it out - apparently it is broken. This meant I got to ride in the boot just on my duvet bed. I could sit up and look above the back seats. I could see Dad in the little shiny rectangle window thing in the middle of the front window. He said he could see me too! He said I looked a right cheeky imp! I hope that is a compliment!

We went to a big shop on the way back. It was a bit boring in there but I did get to greet and cheer up a nice lady in a whizzy wheelieseat. Mum says I perhaps should have been a Canine Partner because I am always drawn to greet wheelie people. I just know who needs my special kind of loves!

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