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Monday, 17 August 2015

Yacketying, Yummies and Walkies....

"Don't even think about it"! This seems to be my new command from Mum. I was only trying to be helpful! I guided Mum to Lidl's this morning.....there were some delectable yummies at nose height in the first aisle. I tried to help choose...... Mum said she doesn't even want bread! Humph!
The rest of the day has been a bit boring really. We had visitors; Jenny, who sat with Mum doing the inevitable yacketying, and Tony, who disappeared down the hole in the back deck. He was working with Dad, using all sorts of funny shaped shiny sticks to do things to the big rumbly monster that lives in that hole! I stayed under the table out of the way!
The boredom was alleviated by taking Dad out for a nice long walk this evening though! I shall now settle down to dream of nose-level yummies.......lots of them......which shall I choose.....first?......then which?.......oooooo.....decisions, decisions........

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