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Sunday, 23 August 2015


Sorry for the lack of report yesterday - I was pooped out and it was waaaaaay too late when we got home.

it was a wierd day! It started off perfectly normally (if there is any such thing as normal in this family!); I took Mum into town. First we went tot he shiny disks and floppy rectangles place, where I got some good fusses and due admiration. Then I guided Mum to the market and was thoroughly tortured again by the smells from the big white box with the man selling chicken....bacon....sausages....etc etc etc.... SOOOOO unfair! Humph! Then we went to the green stand opposite and there was a huge pile of carrots just out of reach........ On the way home, Mum told me to stop sulking.....well.....what does she expect? Huffffff!!

We didn't stay back home for long. We set off round the corner and found Ryan there with his car. So, after a long ride on the back seat with Mum (better than the floor of that horrid van the other day, but I was still a bit anxious), we arrived once again at Debbi and Ryan's new house. After the compulsory wander around to inspect the place and a good sniff around the garden, I spent most of the rest of the day lying around trying to get cool, but failing. It was soooooo hot! Dad and Ryan got very hot and soggy when they hefted a big sofa in through the door. I did take Ryan for a welcome walk after dinner, but it was too hot to really get much enthusiasm. Then we all got back into Ryan's car and rode home again. This time I rode in the boot. That was less nice than the back seat and I got a bit stressed.

Then, back at the boat, the wierdness continued: Debbi and Ryan nicked my sofa! They took it away! That meant I had to sleep on my own bed! Huuuuuffffffff! Apparently it is only a temporary measure until they get a bed to sleep on. Well, considering that I wasn't allowed on their sofa, I think it is very rude that they have nicked my sofabed! I shall plot my revenge......

After all this, Dad then scared me - big bad scared me! He got out a funny thing - a sort of stick with a loop on it. The loop is criss-crossed with lots of whiskers. He started waving this thing around at all the flying buzzy things by the lights, and it sparked and sizzled and there was a horrid smell. I was very unimpressed and rushed out onto the back deck - as far away from the nastiness as I could get. Mum took pity on me and let me take her out for a very late night walk. She brought a bright shiny thing that showed us where the path was and I led her, even though on lead and not harness, carefully around on the path. The only diversion I simply had to make was when I discovered a snuffling prickle ball in the grass - I had to go and investigate that!

This morning has been much more normal - a nice walk, church, friends, hoovering........ aaaaaahhhhh! Relax!

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