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Saturday, 31 March 2018


"Guide Dogs never have fun"????

Well the daft humans that say that weren't here today were they? About ten of us in total, throughout the day, have had the time of our lives! It has been the most fantabulous, superlicious, fandabbydoozee day of doggy mayhem!

They did bring their humans with them, of course, but they mainly just stood watching us dogs have megafun. We did zoomies and chasiees and tuggies and doggybackgames (ahem!) and we raided my toybox and emptied it of almost every toy and bone. We turned the grass into delectable mud....... Ooooooh....... it has been sheer bliss!

Big waggywoofy thanks to all doggypals who came along. I wuv you all! I do seem to be just a smidgen on the compooperated side now though....... zzzzzzz

Six photos of various black and golden guide dogs and guide dog puppies (big puppies) in the midst of hard play in a huge park area, called Bumble Hole Park in Netherton, Black Country, W Midlands. The last pic is of me 'passed out' on my bed on the sofa, paws and nose hanging off the edge.

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