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Saturday, 24 March 2018


Cor! Whataday!

Long workywalkies. Bus ride. Long workywalkies on completely new territory. Into a big building (Mum says it was called the Queen Alexandra College) where I picked up the very exciting smell of doggycolleagues! A manhuman showed us the way through the corridors to a big room. I really didn't need him. I was ahead of him, guiding Mum toward my buddies! They were all in a big room with tables and chairs and humans with humantoys. There was a familiar blue table with blue GuideDogsUk humans by it. We went there first to meet and greet. I didn't recognise any of the other tables but Mum and Dad did an awful lot of yacketying - seemingly about the various humantoys they had on display. We also went into another big room where humans at the front did some yacketying. In there was carpet so I took a snooze under the table.

The most important aspect of the day though, was the greeting of doggy colleagues. It is always sooooooo good to meet up with fellow pawfessionals and today there were many of us: There was Bruno and Daisy and .....Oh! never mind names..... we dogs really don't give a huff about names really .... a quick bum sniff tells us all we need to know. Of course, at an event like today's, we have to remain good and calm and pawfessional (ish) so the best we can get away with is a play-bow and a good kanoodle session, but that is all good bonding. The humans have no idea what we are saying to each other when we do our elephant-seal impressions, and chew each other's jowls and, we are never going to tell them! It is important doggyspeak! That is all they need to know.

The return journey was fine except that the flap-up seats on the bus suddenly flapped-down and boofed me on the bum! That was a bit unpleasant so I stayed squished against Daddy's back paws for the rest of the ride.

We got home just in time for me to get my dinner before complete starvation-collapse set in (I think Mum said it was a whole FIVE minutes late!). Then, we went out again this evening. Not far - just along the bouncy wobbly floorway beside the floatyboats, to the big building at the end. (Mum says it is called Titford Pumphouse). Inside we found humans on seats in rows, and various different humans up the front doing humanhowling into lollipops and some of them had thos noiseboxes with long sticks attached and lots of long twangy whiskers along them. One manhuman had an upside-down-bowl that he was hitting with his front paws. I just did my best to tuck in under Mummy's chair to get out of the way of the various humans who were coming past us spilling brown frothy cold stuff on the floor as they passed. I tasted a little of it - it was kinda OK but it tickled my nose and tongue, so I didn't clean it all up. There was a narrowdog there behind the counter. He started doing some doggysinging along with the humanhowling! It was nice to meet and greet him.

3 photos:
A fuss from a workymanhuman as we waited to go past his hole in the road.

Meeting an greeting Daisy, yellow lab x retriever at the VITalk exhibition day.

Posing with Bruno (golden retriever) and his ladyhuman Jo.

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