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Sunday, 17 September 2017

Leggy Lurcher...

Bacon for breakfast. Yellow sticks for lunch. Sausages AND chicken for dinner. That's what THEY all had. What did I get? NONE OF IT! Harrrruuuumph!

Aaaallll these humanfriends gathered together for all these delectable yummies and for EEEEEndless yacketying and humanhowling. The best I got was a bit of hoovering of their messiness.

I did, however, get to meet up with my girlie. Poor Lilly was tied up to a post outside. I managed to get out to have a good kissy-kissy-canoodling session with her. Even though she is a very well behaved Labrador, she isn't a Guide Dog, so she is not allowed inside places where I get to go with Mummy. Maybe this working malarkey is worth doing!

I also got to enjoy a wonderful freerun along the towpath where I met up with a few passing pooch pals. One particular set were great fun; a pair of Springer Spaniels and a Leggy Lurcher. We all enjoyed a super few minutes of romping and chasing. I couldn't keep up with Leggy Lurcher though. Wow did she rocket fast!

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