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Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Day 11 - Tuesday 14 July

4 miles, 8 locks, 0 swingbridges to Crofton Visitor Moorings
Total so far 40 miles. 51 locks. 12 swingbridges
We have passed the halfway mark - in terms of both miles and locks! Wooooohoooooo!
It has been a FAB day! Some lovely human friends, Richard and Linda, came to join us on the walk and with the locks. They are lovely doggy-loving friends. More importantly though, because they were with us and Linda helped Mum, that meant I got to enjoy a bit of time off. I got to freerun a lot of the way along the towpath today! Yipppeeeee!
I even managed to sneak in a quick swim when Mum wasn't quite close enough to stop me. Heehee!
There was one bit where I did have to work to help Mum - not only by guiding her but also by pulling her up the steep steps. It did mean we escaped the dark tube though. Dad and Richard disappeared into the dark tube with the boat while Linda and I guided Mum over the top of the hill. That meant climbing up steep steps and then back down a slippy slope on the other side. Mum was panting when we got to the top of the steep steps. She didn't do that properly though, she didn't hang her tongue out!
When we arrived at our moorings at a place Mum says is called Crofton, I had a great play with a Border Collied from the boat in front of us. I went to inspect the inside of his boat and discovered a container with a little step thing on the front of it. I also discovered that pressing my paw down on that little step thing made the top open! That was a valuable bit of learning! There were yummies inside! The man told Mum that I had got a fish skin out of the bin. Well, if that is what it is called then I now know that I like fish skin! Mmmmmm....

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