I like bollards! They get me yummies!
Today has been a team towpath day. I have guided Mummy down 11 locks and lots of miles of towpath - around loads and loads of squishy muddy puddles, around barriers and towards snacks! She rumbled me each and every time though; I didn't manage to snaffle a single one of them! Huff!
Each time we came towards a lock, Mum asked me to 'find the beam', which I did and got a 'good boy' fuss for it. At some of the locks, there were bollards too. These bollards are a bit different to the ones we are used to on other canals. They are stubby square posts almost as tall as me. Mum asked me to 'find the bollard' each time and, when I did find it and do a 'sit' next to it, Mum looped my lead over it and then a yummy appeared on top for me! I Wish there were bollards like these at ALL locks!
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