Woohoo! My humanpal FloatyboatyLindsay came to church with us this morning! I showed her how I strut my stuff looking after Mummy. When I hupped to show Mummy where the button was on the bleepycrossing, Lindsay was really impressed! Heehee!
I spent most of the human howling time tucked away under Lindsay's seat. That included when Mummy went up to the lollipop stand to do some yacketying from the front. (It was only a couple of paces straight forward with no obstacles in the way so I wasn't really needed).
Afterwards, we came home via the long park. That was great! I got the chance to show my bestest freerunning skills: Snaffling all sorts of yummies and sploshing through the muddy puddles! I do like to show off my expertise!
The rest of the day has been snoozy whilst Mum and Dad have been yacketying with Lindsay and then doing a whole load of tippetytappetying on their toys.
Something is amiss though - it is Sunday. I should have a new bone on Sundays. I have NO new bone! HOOOOOOWWWWLLLLLL........ Mummy says it is because the butcher doesn't sell bones........ How will I survive?............
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