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Saturday, 6 January 2018


Woohoo! What a great day!

Workywalkiesing, cruising, lock-working with built in freerun, crazy zoomies and humanfriends to help! All in one day!

First of all, Daddy cruised us all the way to the other side of the canal to the floatyboaty-squirtysnake-place. From there, I took Mummy workywalkies. We managed to end up (heehee) at the park! Well....that could only mean one thing.....freerunnnnnnn! Then it was back on harness again to continue workywalkies to find Daddy and floatyboatyhome. He picked us up a way further along the towpath and then we had a longish cruise.

We went down a little canal bit where the water was all black and stinky. We didn't get very far down there. Floatyboat kind of made a nasty growling noise and slowed down to a stop. Daddy had to get hold of its lead and jump onto the towpath to pull it backwards. Then a humanfriend appeared; the nice manhuman Tim that we met the other day in the yummyery. He grabbed another lead and pulled too. Eventually, we arrived backwards onto the main canal again and there we found Lindsay too! This made me a bit squeaky because I was trapped aboard and couldn't get to meet n greet my humanpals. Thankfully, this was soon rectified and I may perhaps have gone a bit zany in my greetings. Tim has such yummy ears! Lindsay is very tasty and loveable too!

The bestest bit was that Tim and Lindsay stayed with us and helped Mummy work the locks. This meant that I was off duty! This meant that I got to freerun almost all the way! OoOOOOOOhhhh!!! That was soooooo good to do! After a couple of locks, I kind of worked up to my full fun self and had a little session of crazy zooomies. It was soooo good to let out that energy and it made human mouths turn way up at the corners! Mum was bit of a spoilsport at a couple of places where there were some interesting piles of what she called rubbish that I could have had a good old rummage through. She recalled me and clamped my on my lead at those points! Huff! There were also a couple of places that were close to roads so I had to stay on lead there. The rest was great fun though!

We now have a new garden and I got to go explore a little of it while the humans all did some of their yacketying. Then we all went aboard our floatyboatyhome and I curled up on our guests' back paws while they all drank that weird hot brown water stuff.

Now, I am absolutely compooperated and Mum is on the sofa, so there is only one place I should be....... Mum.....leg here for my pillow please........zzzzzzzzz

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