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Sunday, 22 April 2018

Crisply Dried on Perfume!

Ooh! I do like such enthusiastic greetings! Especially when I get the fusses and ear-rubs before Mum or Dad are even acknowledged! Heehee! That was the greeting when we went workywalkies to churhc this morning. It was the church we have been to a few times here in Tipton. While Mummy and Daddy were occupied drinking their little bowls of hot brown water, I managed to sneak under a table for a quiet lie down on the carpet. It was a nice little hidey-hole!

After all the human howling and yacketying, we set off home again. I made sure we went the correct route - not the boring one via the roads - the proper one - via the park and towpath! Heehee! Welll..... it is Sunday! Sunday is supposed to be day off day isn't it?

There were a few doggypals to meet n greet in the park. One was a very enticing smelling girlie but I wasn't allowed to play with her. Her human dragged her away saying something about seasoning or something. Daddy hoicked me off in the opposite direction! Huff! There was another poochpal - a set of long legs with a tiny body on top. She ran so super fast! There was no way I could even dream of playing chase - so I didn't even bother to try!

When we got to the towpath bit of the route home, I found a delectably icky bit of black gooey muddy water. I just had to take a dip! When I waded back out again, Mummy and Daddy backed away from me! Huff! No success with the bigshake! I was just settling nicely into my crisply dried on perfume when we got home and Mum attacked me viciously with a cold squirtysnake! That was soooooo mean Mummy! I was not stinky! I was beautifully aromatic!

Photo shows me tucked away under the table at Tipton Christian Church.

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