8 miles! A lot of it in gloriously squishy mud! Heehee!
We set off to a church. That was all good. I met some wonderful new humanfriends there; it seems they all have impeccable taste; they all adore black Labradors! Nice humans! Good humans! There was nice carpet to snooze on too. That always makes the humanhowling seem better!
The workywalkies to get there was a good challenge. We started off on the towpath but then went onto a road. Some of it had no pavements so I had to guide Mum in the road. I never really like doing that but we survived. There were lots of patches of slippy ice so I guided Mum carefully around them whenever possible. There were several bits that were very big and very slippy, so I took Mum off-kerb to get around them. She was very impressed with me!
After all the yacketying following the service, we set off again but didn't just 'Find the way home'. We went the other way. This took us on a very challenging workywalkies route on a fairly busy road with no pavements. We had to walk a long way at the side of the road and 'Tuck in' every time a vroomer came towards us - this meant lots of tucking in! Eventually we found a 'Find right' which took us along a long road where we could walk along the grass beside it. That was better. There were two bits where there was a big cage in the floor of the road but we had to go through a gate beside it. Cars went a loud DRRRRRR across the cages. That was a bit unnerving! Finally, we reached a huge house with a straight puddle all around it. We went across the bridge over the puddle and then inside the house. Mum says the house was called Baddesley Clinton.
First stop was a human yummyery where I was able to sneak in a smidgen of hoovering. Then, we went around the big house. It smelled really old and fascinating. There were panels all around the place with squiggles all over them. Daddy seemed to spend ages looking at these squiggles and yacking to Mummy, who was standing still listening. I just had to wait at each stage while this went on. I did have a sit down in a few places, and I attempted a bit of a sniff in others. On the way around, several humans told Mummy what a good boy I was being! I managed to invite myself for some fusses along the way too. There was a huge tree inside but I wasn't allowed to water it! Instead I had to sit and pose beside it while Dad pointed his one-eyed-clickybox at me and Mum!
When we left the house, I was very glad to find a tree outside! Then we set off for the workywalkies home. We didn't go back the way we came. We went across loads of huge fields - very muddy slushy icky slippy fields! I think Mummy found it really hard going and I also suspect Dad didn't exactly find it easy either. My four paws had no problem with it of course! In some of the fields, there were posts with funny little things on top. They looked like potential playmates but they didn't move, even when I 'hupped' to greet them.
I rather wonder if we didn't actually go the way we were meant to because Daddy kept looking at his talkybone and then looking around.....hmmm....I'm not complaining at all. It was great!
There was one bit where Mum let me enjoy a freerun. That was welcome and gave me a chance to release some pent up energy! This freerun ended though when we reached a gate and went through it into a field full of white clouds on legs. I soooo wanted to run and play with them but Mum put my noseband and lead back on. Spoilsport! This meant she was able to keep my head lifted up too, which meant that I couldn't hoover the delicious nugget snacks from the ground! Double spoilsport!
Eventually, we got back onto road and, by this time, it was getting dark, so Mummy was struggling. Back on harness, I did my duty though and looked after her. Again, it was road with no pavement so Daddy used a bright light on his talkybone to warn vroomers that we were there, and we did LOTS of 'tuck in' as they came towards us.
Now, we are safely back home, the hotbox is glowing nicely, my harness, lead and headcollar seem to have been fed into the frothmonster machine, and my dinner has been gallumphed! Now it is bone-o'clock while Mummy goes into the warmrain box. Then I think the sofa is going to be a perfect place for snuggles.
Mummy is rather pleased with me today!
2 photos.
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Me and Mummy beside the indoor tree with colourful balls all over it. I wasn't allowed to water this one. Nor was I allowed to play with any of the balls! |
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Me up on my hind legs trying to say hello to a carved wooden bunny on top of a pole. There were lots of these in the shapes of lots of different birds and creatures. |
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